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Cleaning of Solar Panels within a large consolidated network
Bem-vindo à LIMPA SOLAR, uma potência em inovação e liderança no setor de LIMPEZA SOLAR.
Com 9 anos de atuação no mercado, conquistamos uma posição destacada ao fornecer serviços especializados em limpeza e manutenção solar, além do fornecimento exclusivo de equipamentos de última geração para nossos franqueados. Se você busca um negócio próprio sólido e altamente lucrativo para investir, a LIMPA SOLAR é sua melhor opção!
Por que Escolher Nossa Franquia
Mercado em Crescimento:
Escolher a franquia Limpa Solar oferece a oportunidade de ingressar em um mercado em expansão. Com a crescente conscientização sobre a importância da energia renovável
Experiência e Expertise:
A franquia Limpa Solar destaca-se por sua experiência e expertise no setor de energia solar. Ao optar por essa franquia, você terá acesso a um suporte sólido, treinamento especializado e know-how acumulado ao longo de 9 anos.
Modelo de Negócio Comprovado:
A Limpa Solar oferece um modelo de negócio testado e comprovado. Isso significa que você estará adotando práticas e estratégias que já foram bem-sucedidas em outras unidades da franquia. Essa segurança reduz os riscos associados ao início de um novo empreendimento e aumenta as chances de sucesso a longo prazo.
Quem pode ser Tornar um Franqueado
Limpa Solar
Tornar-se um franqueado Limpa Solar é uma oportunidade aberta a empreendedores obstinados que buscam o sucesso por meio de esforço e dedicação. A franquia oferece um ambiente propício para aqueles que têm a determinação de fazer a diferença no setor de energia solar.
Se você é um empresário obstinado, disposto a lutar pelo sucesso, a Limpa Solar oferece um caminho promissor. Sua mentalidade empreendedora e vontade de enfrentar desafios são os principais requisitos para embarcar nessa jornada. A franquia valoriza a iniciativa, a resiliência e a paixão pelo crescimento.
Como franqueado Limpa Solar, você terá a oportunidade de aplicar suas habilidades empresariais e moldar o seu próprio sucesso. A marca proporciona um ambiente de suporte e recursos, permitindo que empreendedores determinados construam e expandam seus negócios no setor de energia renovável.
Vantagens de ter uma Franquia
Limpa Solar
Suporte ao
Retorno Rápido
Ganho Liquido
Mercado em
Baixo Investimento
Nosso Software para Limpeza Solar
Checklist online
O que você precisa saber na hora de precificar seu serviço
Agendamento Automático
Os leads da sua franquia agora podem efetuar agendamentos de forma automática através do seu proprio site.
CRM Limpa Solar
uma plataforma de integração de informações sobre seus clientes com o objetivo de conhecê-los profundamente, detectar suas necessidades e atendê-las da melhor forma.
Preços Exclusivos
na Aquisição de Novos Equipamentos Ao adquirir uma
franquia conosco, oferecemos preços exclusivos que se destacam da tabela de mercado Limpa Solar
Itens Incluso na Mensalidade
Sistema para Gerenciamento comercial e financeiro
Uso Liberado da marca
Limpa Solar
Gestão de Anúncios nas principais plataformas de Tráfego pago
Acompanhamento e Mentoria de Experts Limpa Solar
Próximos passos
Alinhar expectativas do empreendedor acerca do negócio.
COF - Circular de Oferta da franquia
Estudo da viabilidade técnica financeira do investimento.
Leitura e assinatura do contrato FRANQUIA Limpa Solar
Como podemos ajudar nossos clientes
Who we areCLEAN SOLAR is your #1 choice for incredibly clean solar panel cleaning. We work clearing the way for the power of the Sun. 🏆 We are the Largest National Franchise in the business of cleaning and maintaining photovoltaic solar systems. Specialized and qualified service.
What are the benefits of subscribing to Solar Cleaning?If you want to run your own business in a growing industry that is fast, has longevity and is green in its outlook, owning a LIMPA SOLAR solar panel cleaning franchise is for you.By owning a LIMPA SOLAR solar panel cleaning franchise, you are getting a well-known and respected brand and we can back you up with in-depth knowledge and support.We are always looking for motivated people who are passionate about renewable energy and willing to share ideas and skills. Part of the success of LIMPA SOLAR is due to our partnerships and our willingness to embrace new ideas and services.The solar revolution is a global revolution, so LIMPA SOLAR has every intention of becoming a global brand as experts in their field. If you would like to join the global solar revolution and run your own solar panel cleaning business, please do not hesitate to purchase your franchise.
Is the payment secure?This business is strictly paid upon completion of work, so no invoicing is required. Invoices will be issued for the provision of services, it is simple and we will address this during your training.
How does acquisition and deployment work?The Board of LIMPA SOLAR carefully analyzes the profile and documentation of each franchisee candidate, if you go through the committee and accept the terms of the documentation SIGNATURE OF CONTRACT. It is at this stage that you pay the Franchise Fee, after payment we start the KICK-OFF, TRAINING AND TRAINING stage, where we will present everything you need to do and know to start working it is presented in this phase, in specific trainings. It's time to start the activities of your CLIMPA SOLAR franchise.
What are the forms of payment?Yes you can. You can partner with your spouse, your children or another family member, a co-worker or a friend.
Is the subscription renewal automatic?Yes. We give you a unique marketing territory where you can promote and market your business. While most of your business is derived from within your marketing territory, there will be instances where you will receive referrals from your satisfied customers to their friends, family or acquaintances who are outside your marketing area. There will also be times when your social media marketing efforts attract inquiries from outside your area. We believe you should be able to serve them, after all, the referral is a direct result of you providing great service to a satisfied customer or being proactive in your field. Alternatively, we are very much in favor of your customers owning you and building the value of your business. Remember, however, that another franchisee may receive referrals or inquiries in your marketing territory, so it is best to maintain good working relationships with all other franchisees.
Is Solar Cleaning for me?We provide all the training you need to run a successful business. This includes all aspects of the service you will provide, the day-to-day running of your business, and the marketing and promotion of your service. You will receive your own custom website tailored to your area, as well as marketing material and equipment.
What if I want to cancel my subscription?This is a simple step in an emerging market, and as such there is an element of education that informs potential customers that they need their solar panels clean to get maximum solar performance. Local area direct marketing is the best way to do this! We will provide marketing framework, customer referrals, lead generation for your business. Wherever you see solar panels on the roof, talk to the home owner and provide them with one of the marketing brochures we will provide for you. You will also receive training and guidance to make your franchise stand out in your region.
Will I have access to a question-answer if I subscribe?Yes! We encourage you to do so.
Can I invest in a second franchise?Certainly; Once you've proven you can manage your business successfully, we'd be happy to discuss expansion into other areas.
What if I want to sell my franchise?You can do this whenever you want and we will be happy to help you.
How long to start?With our franchise you can start working on your own, full or part time, in less than 20 days!
Working part-time or full-time and what can I expect to earn?Invoicing forecasts are that you earn between R$4,000.00 to R$8,000.00 per week, which seems to be common to many in the franchising industry. services.At this time, we don't know if you're interested in running your business full-time or if you'd rather start part-time and build engagement full-time. Your return will be proportionate to the amount of effort you put into growing your business. An average solar panel cleaning job is approximately $800.00, which takes about an hour for a low-rise house. So we'd rather you do the math and calculate how many jobs you want to do in a week; part-time or full-time.